FAQ for Existing Students

  1. How can I change my registration details?

  2. By sending an email to registrar.earthuniversity@gmail.com.

    You should inform any changes to registration information (eg: mobile no) to the above email address with the subject 'Change Request' with following details to as soon as possible.

      EUC Reg No : 170001
      Calling Name : Njmal
      Old Calling Name : Njmal
      New Calling Name : Nimal
      Old Mobile : 0783123456
      New Mobile : 0729654321

  3. Can I change my batch?

  4. Yes, you can.

    You should inform your batch transfer by sending an email with the subject 'Batch Transfer' with following details to registrar.earthuniversity@gmail.com as soon as possible.

      EUC Reg No : 170001
      Calling Name : Nimal
      Old Batch : Sem1/col/sat
      New Batch : Sem1/gam/sun

  5. How to leave a batch?

  6. By sending an email to registrar.earthuniversity@gmail.com.

    You should inform your batch leave to the above email address with the subject 'Batch Leave' with following details as soon as possible.

      EUC Reg No : 170001
      Calling Name : Nimal

    Areas payment will be calculated until the date of informed.